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Mapa de Centros de Referencia Oncoliver
Hospital Universitario Reina Sofía
Responsable U. Cancer: José Luis Montero Álvarez
Persona de contacto: Clara Isabel Linares Luna
Hospital: 957010328
Hospital Universitario Río Hortega de Valladolid
Responsable U. Cancer: Felix Garcia Pajares
Persona de contacto: Carolina Almohalla Alvarez
Hospital: 983420400. ext 85701
Hospital Universitario Vall d’Hebron
Responsable U. Cancer: Beatriz Minguez Rosique
Hospital: 93 274 6140 (ext 6561)
Hospital Universitario Infanta Leonor
Responsable U. Cancer: María del Mar Lozano
Persona de contacto: Gemma Carrión Alonso
Hospital: 911918000
Hospital Universitario Severo Ochoa
Responsable U. Cancer: María Delgado Galán
Hospital: 914818000
Hospital Insular de Gran Canaria
Persona de contacto: Paola Saiz Udaeta
Hospital Universitario Fundación Alcorcón
Responsable U. Cancer: Maria Luisa Gutiérrez García
Hospital Universitario Puerta de Hierro
Responsable U. Cancer: José Luis Calleja Panero
Persona de contacto: Rocío Macías
Hospital:911 91 60 00
Hospital Virgen del Rocío
Persona de contacto: Paola Saiz Udaeta
Hospital General Universitario Alicante
Hospital Virgen de la Concha
Responsable U. Cancer: Pilar Conde Gacho
Hospital: 980548200 (Ext. 48309)
Hospital Clínic de Barcelona
Responsable U. Cancer: Maria Reig
Persona de contacto: Nuria Perez
Hospital: 932279803
Hospital Universitario Virgen de Valme
Responsable U. Cancer: Blanca Figueruela
Persona de Contacto: Lourdes Grande Santamaría
Hospital: 955015761
Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de Toledo
Responsable U. Cancer: Rafael Gómez Rodríguez
Persona de Contacto: Marta Romero Gutiérrez
Teléfono: 646443644
Hospital Universitario de Canarias
Hospital: 922678000
Complejo Asistencial Universitario de León
Responsable U. Cancer: Francisco Jorquera Plaza
Persona de contacto: Begoña Álvarez Cuenllas
Hospital Clínico Universitario de Santiago
Responsable U. Cancer: Javier Fernández Castroagudín
Teléfono: 619420992
Hospital Universitario Basurto
Responsable U. Cancer: Fernando Menéndez Blázquez
Persona de contacto: Sonia Blanco Sampascual
Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla
Responsable U. Cancer: Carlos Rodríguez de Lope
Teléfono: 650902018
Hospital del Mar
Responsable U. Cancer: Susana Coll Estrada
Persona de contacto: Susana Coll y Marc Puigvehí
Hospital Universitario de Badajoz
Responsable U. Cancer: J. Ignacio Delgado Mingorance
Persona de contacto: Ana Guiberteau Sánchez
Hospìtal Universitario de Getafe
Responsable U. Cancer: Mariano Gómez Rubio
Hospital Universitario Miguel Servet
Responsable U. Cancer: Javier Fuentes Olmo
Hospital General de Segovia
Responsable U. Cancer: Marta Calvo Sanchez
Hospital Josep Trueta Girona
Responsable U. Cancer: Margarita Sala Llinàs
Hospital: 972940200 Ext 2260
Consorci Sanitari de Terrassa
Responsable U. Cancer: Mercè Roget
Clinica Universidad de Navarra
Responsable U. Cancer: Bruno Sangro Gomez-Acebo
Persona de contacto: Amaya Redin Garcia
Hospital: 948255400 (ext 4750)
Hospital Álvaro Cunqueiro
Responsable U. Cancer: Pamela Estévez
Persona de contacto: José Antonio Hermo
Hospital Universitario de Fuenlabrada
Responsable U. Cancer: Maria Paz Valer López-Fando
Hospital: 916006302
Hospital Virgen de La Luz
Hospital: 969179928
Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal
Responsable U. Cancer: José Luis Lledó Navarro
Hospital Universitario La Coruña
Responsable U. Cancer: Manuel Delgado Blanco
Hospital: 981178000
Hospital Universitario Donostia
Responsable U. Cancer: Juan I. Arenas Ruiz-Tapiador
Hospital: 943007173
Hospital General Universitario de Valencia
Responsable U. Cancer: Juan José Urquijo Ponce
Hospital: 963131800
Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias
Responsable U. Cancer: María Varela Calvo
Persona de contacto: Ana Piedra Cerezal
Hospital: +34 985 108 000 EXT 72320
Hospital Universitari Joan XXIII de Tarragona
Responsable U. Cancer: Silvia Montoliu
Hospital Universitario de Cáceres
Responsable U. Cancer: Miguel Fernández Bermejo
Teléfono hospital: 927256200 (Ext. 56024)
Hospital Montecelo
Responsable U. Cancer: José Mera Calviño
Responsable U. Cancer: OSCAR QUINTANA
Hospital Universitario La Paz
Responsable U. Cancer: Araceli García Sánchez
Hospital: 917277000
Listado de Centros
Número de Registros en Oncoliver: 44
Hospital Universitario Vall d´Hebron. Barcelona.
Hospital Universitario Severo Ochoa. Leganés. Madrid
Hospital Universitario Reina Sofía. Córdoba
Hospital Universitario Infanta Leonor. Madrid
Hospìtal Virgen del Rocio. Sevilla
Hospital Universitario Insular de Gran Canaria
Hospital Universitario Fundación Alcorcón. Alcorcón. Madrid
Hospital Universitario Puerta de Hierro. Majadahonda. Madrid
Hospital Clínic de Barcelona
Hospital General Universitario de Alicante
Hospital Virgen de La Concha. Zamora
Hospital Universitario Virgen de Valme. Sevilla
Hospital Clínico Universitario de Santiago. Santiago de Compostela
Hospital Universitario de Canarias. Santa Cruz de Tenerife
Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de Toledo
Virgen del Rocío
Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla. Santander
Hospital Universitario Basurto
Hospital del Mar. Barcelona
Complejo Asistencial Universitario de León
Hospital Universitario Miguel Servet. Zaragoza
Hospital Universitario de Badajoz
Hospital Universitario Río Hortega de Valladolid
Hospìtal Universitario de Getafe
Hospital Josep Trueta Girona
Hospital General de Segovia
Hospital Universitario Reina Sofía
Consorci Sanitari de Terrassa
Clinica Universidad de Navarra
Hospital Álvaro Cunqueiro
Hospital Universitario de Fuenlabrada
Virgen de la Luz. Cuenca
Universitario La Coruña
Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal
Universitario Donostia
H. General Universitario de Valencia
Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias. Oviedo
Hospital Universitari Joan XXIII de Tarragona
Universitario de Cáceres
Hospital Montecelo
Hospital Universitario La Paz
Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre, Madrid
Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón
Virgen del Rocío
Ensayos por centro
- Hospital Universitario Vall d´Hebron. Barcelona.
- Hospital Universitario Severo Ochoa. Leganés. Madrid
- Hospital Universitario Reina Sofía. Córdoba
- Hospital Universitario Infanta Leonor. Madrid
- Hospìtal Virgen del Rocio. Sevilla
- Hospital Universitario Insular de Gran Canaria
- Hospital Universitario Fundación Alcorcón. Alcorcón. Madrid
- Hospital Universitario Puerta de Hierro. Majadahonda. Madrid
- Hospital Clínic de Barcelona
- Hospital General Universitario de Alicante
- Hospital Virgen de La Concha. Zamora
- Hospital Universitario Virgen de Valme. Sevilla
- Hospital Clínico Universitario de Santiago. Santiago de Compostela
- Hospital Universitario de Canarias. Santa Cruz de Tenerife
- Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de Toledo
- Virgen del Rocío
- Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla. Santander
- Hospital Universitario Basurto
- Hospital del Mar. Barcelona
- Complejo Asistencial Universitario de León
- Hospital Universitario Miguel Servet. Zaragoza
- Hospital Universitario de Badajoz
- Hospital Universitario Río Hortega de Valladolid
- Hospìtal Universitario de Getafe
- Hospital Josep Trueta Girona
- Hospital General de Segovia
- Hospital Universitario Reina Sofía
- Consorci Sanitari de Terrassa
- Clinica Universidad de Navarra
- Hospital Álvaro Cunqueiro
- Hospital Universitario de Fuenlabrada
- Virgen de la Luz. Cuenca
- Universitario La Coruña
- Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal
- Universitario Donostia
- H. General Universitario de Valencia
- Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias. Oviedo
- Hospital Universitari Joan XXIII de Tarragona
- Universitario de Cáceres
- Hospital Montecelo
- Hospital Universitario La Paz
- Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre, Madrid
- Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón
- Virgen del Rocío
Guías de práctica clínica
Diagnosis and treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma. Update of the consensus document of the AEEH, AEC, SEOM, SERAM, SERVEI, and SETH
Autores: María Reig, Alejandro Forner, Matías A Ávila, Carmen Ayuso, Beatriz Mínguez, María Varela, Itxarone Bilbao, José Ignacio Bilbao, Marta Burrel, Javier Bustamante, Joana Ferrer, Miguel Ángel Gómez, Josep María Llovet, Manuel De la Mata, Ana Matilla, Fernando Pardo, Miguel A Pastrana, Manuel Rodríguez-Perálvarez, Josep Tabernero, José Urbano, Ruth Vera, Bruno Sangro, Jordi Bruix.
Diagnosis and treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma. Update of the consensus document of the AEEH, AEC, SEOM, SERAM, SERVEI, and SETH
Autores: Reig M, Forner A, Ávila MA, Ayuso C, Mínguez B, Varela M, Bilbao I, Bilbao JI, Burrel M, Bustamante J, Ferrer J, Gómez MÁ, Llovet JM, De la Mata M, Matilla A, Pardo F, Pastrana MA, Rodríguez-Perálvarez M, Tabernero J, Urbano J, Vera R, Sangro B, Bruix J..
International recommendations for personalised selective internal radiation therapy of primary and metastatic liver diseases with yttrium-90 resin microspheres.
Autores: Levillain H, Bagni O, Deroose CM, Dieudonné A, Gnesin S, Grosser OS, Kappadath SC, Kennedy A, Kokabi N, Liu DM, Madoff DC, Mahvash A, Martinez de la Cuesta A, Ng DCE, Paprottka PM, Pettinato C, Rodríguez-Fraile M, Salem R, Sangro B, Strigari L, Sze DY, de Wit van der Veen BJ, Flamen P..
Diagnosis and treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma. Update of the consensus document of the AEEH, AEC, SEOM, SERAM, SERVEI, and SETH.
Autores: Reig M, Forner A, Ávila MA, Ayuso C, Mínguez B, Varela M, Bilbao I, Bilbao JI, Burrel M, Bustamante J, Ferrer J, Gómez MÁ, Llovet JM, De la Mata M, MatillaA, Pardo F, Pastrana MA, Rodríguez-Perálvarez M, Tabernero J, Urbano J, Vera R, Sangro B, Bruix J..
Diagnosis and treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma. Update of the consensus document of the AEEH, AEC, SEOM, SERAM, SERVEI, and SETH
Autores: María Reig, Alejandro Forner, Matías A Ávila, Carmen Ayuso, Beatriz Mínguez, María Varela, Itxarone Bilbao, José Ignacio Bilbao, Marta Burrel, Javier Bustamante, Joana Ferrer, Miguel Ángel Gómez, Josep María Llovet, Manuel De la Mata, Ana Matilla, Fernando Pardo, Miguel A Pastrana, Manuel Rodríguez-Perálvarez, Josep Tabernero, José Urbano, Ruth Vera, Bruno Sangro, Jordi Bruix.
Diagnosis and treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma. Update of the consensus document of the AEEH, AEC, SEOM, SERAM, SERVEI, and SETH
Autores: Reig M, Forner A, Ávila MA, Ayuso C, Mínguez B, Varela M, Bilbao I, Bilbao JI, Burrel M, Bustamante J, Ferrer J, Gómez MÁ, Llovet JM, De la Mata M, Matilla A, Pardo F, Pastrana MA, Rodríguez-Perálvarez M, Tabernero J, Urbano J, Vera R, Sangro B, Bruix J..
Systemic treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma: An EASL position paper.
Autores: Bruix J, Chan SL, Galle PR, Rimassa L, Sangro B..
Assessing the impact of COVID-19 on liver cancer management (CERO-19)
Autores: Muñoz-Martínez S, Sapena V, Forner A, Nault JC, Sapisochin G, Rimassa L, Sangro B, Bruix J, Sanduzzi-Zamparelli M, Hołówko W, El Kassas M, Mocan T, Bouattour M, Merle P, Hoogwater FJH, Alqahtani SA, Reeves HL, Pinato DJ, Giorgakis E, Meyer T, Villadsen GE, Wege H, Salati M, Mínguez B, Di Costanzo GG, Roderburg C, Tacke F, Varela M, Galle PR, Alvares-da-Silva MR, Trojan J, Bridgewater J, Cabibbo G, Toso C, Lachenmayer A, Casadei-Gardini A, Toyoda H, Lüdde T, Villani R, Matilla Peña AM, Guedes Leal CR, Ronzoni M, Delgado M, Perelló C, Pascual S, Lledó JL, Argemi J, Basu B, da Fonseca L, Acevedo J, Siebenhüner AR, Braconi C, Meyers BM, Granito A, Sala M, Rodríguez Lope C, Blaise L, Romero-Gómez M, Piñero F, Gomez D, Mello V, Pinheiro Alves RC, França A, Branco F, Brandi G, Pereira G, Coll S, Guarino M, Benítez C, Anders MM, Bandi JC, Vergara M, Calvo M, Peck-Radosavljevic M, García-Juárez I, Cardinale V, Lozano M, Gambato M, Okolicsanyi S, Arraez DM, Elvevi A, Muñoz AE, Lué A, Iavarone M, Reig M.
Radiological response to nivolumab in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma: A multicenter analysis of real-life practice
Autores: Rimola J, Da Fonseca LG, Sapena V, Perelló C, Guerrero A, Simó MT, Pons M, De La Torre-Aláez M, Márquez L, Calleja JL, Lledó JL, Varela M, Mínguez B, Sangro B, Matilla A, Torres F, Ayuso C, Bruix J, Reig M..
Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis Is the Fastest Growing Cause of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Liver Transplant Candidates
Autores: Zobair Younossi 1, Maria Stepanova 2, Janus P Ong 3, Ira M Jacobson 4, Elisabetta Bugianesi 5, Ajay Duseja 6, Yuichiro Eguchi 7, Vincent W Wong 8, Francesco Negro 9, Yusuf Yilmaz 10, Manuel Romero-Gomez 11, Jacob George 12, Aijaz Ahmed 13, Robert Wong 14, Issah Younossi 2, Mariam Ziayee 2, Arian Afendy 2, Global Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis Council.
Simvastatin and metformin inhibit cell growth in hepatitis C virus infected cells via mTOR increasing PTEN and autophagy
Autores: José A Del Campo 1, Marta García-Valdecasas 2, Antonio Gil-Gómez 2, Ángela Rojas 2, Paloma Gallego 1, Javier Ampuero 2, Rocío Gallego-Durán 2, Helena Pastor 2, Lourdes Grande 1, Francisco J Padillo 3, Jordi Muntané 3, Manuel Romero-Gómez 2.
Diagnostic accuracy of SCCA and SCCA-IgM for hepatocellular carcinoma: A meta-analysis
Autores: Chang-Hai Liu 1 2, Antonio Gil-Gómez 1, Javier Ampuero 1 2 3, Manuel Romero-Gómez.
Prevention of hepatocellular carcinoma by correction of metabolic abnormalities: Role of statins and metformin
Autores: Javier Ampuero 1, Manuel Romero-Gomez 1.
Assessing the impact of COVID-19 on liver cancer management (CERO-19)
Autores: Sergio Muñoz-Martínez, Victor Sapena, Alejandro Forner, Jean-Charles Nault, Gonzalo Sapisochin, Lorenza Rimassa, Bruno Sangro, Jordi Bruix, Marco Sanduzzi-Zamparelli, Wacław Hołówko, Mohamed El Kassas, Tudor Mocan, Mohamed Bouattour, Philippe Merle, Frederik J.H. Hoogwater, Saleh A. Alqahtani, Helen L. Reeves, David J. Pinato, Emmanouil Giorgakis, Tim Meyer, Gerda Elisabeth Villadsen, Henning Wege, Massimiliano Salati, Beatriz Mínguez, Giovan Giuseppe Di Costanzo, Christoph Roderburg, Frank Tacke, María Varela, Peter R. Galle, Mario Reis Alvares-da-Silva, Jörg Trojan, John Bridgewater, Giuseppe Cabibbo, Christian Toso, Anja Lachenmayer, Andrea Casadei-Gardini, Hidenori Toyoda, Tom Lüdde, Rosanna Villani, Ana María Matilla Peña, Cassia Regina Guedes Leal, Monica Ronzoni, Manuel Delgado, Christie Perelló, Sonia Pascual, José Luis Lledó, Josepmaria Argemi, Bristi Basu, Leonardo da Fonseca, Juan Acevedo, Alexander R. Siebenhüner, Chiara Braconi, Brandon M. Meyers, Alessandro Granito, Margarita Sala, Carlos Rodríguez Lope, Lorraine Blaise, Manuel Romero-Gómez, Federico Piñero, Dhanny Gomez, Vivianne Mello, Rogerio Camargo Pinheiro Alves, Alex França, Fernanda Branco, Giovanni Brandi, Gustavo Pereira, Susanna Coll, Maria Guarino, Carlos Benítez, Maria Margarita Anders, Juan C. Bandi, Mercedes Vergara, Mariona Calvo, Markus Peck-Radosavljevic, Ignacio García-Juárez, Vincenzo Cardinale, Mar Lozano, Martina Gambato, Stefano Okolicsanyi, Dalia Morales Arraez, Alessandra Elvevi, Alberto E. Muñoz, Alberto Lué, Massimo Iavarone, Maria Reig.
Splicing factor SF3B1 is overexpressed and implicated in the aggressiveness and survival of hepatocellular carcinoma
Autores: Juan L López-Cánovas, Mercedes Del Rio-Moreno, Helena García-Fernandez, Juan M Jiménez-Vacas, M Trinidad Moreno-Montilla, Marina E Sánchez-Frias, Víctor Amado, Fernando L-López, Marcos F Fondevila, Rubén Ciria, Irene Gómez-Luque, Javier Briceño, Rubén Nogueiras, Manuel de la Mata, Justo P Castaño, Manuel Rodriguez-Perálvarez, Raúl M Luque, Manuel D Gahete.
ARMCX3 Mediates Susceptibility to Hepatic Tumorigenesis Promoted by Dietary Lipotoxicity.
Autores: Mirra S, Gavaldà-Navarro A, Manso Y, Higuera M, Serrat R, Salcedo MT, Burgaya F, Balibrea JM, Santamaría E, Uriarte I, Berasain C, Avila MA, Mínguez B, Soriano E, Villarroya F..
Assessing the impact of COVID-19 on liver cancer management (CERO-19).
Autores: Muñoz-Martínez S, Sapena V, Forner A, Nault JC, Sapisochin G, Rimassa L, Sangro B, Bruix J, Sanduzzi-Zamparelli M, Hołówko W, El Kassas M, Mocan T, Bouattour M, Merle P, Hoogwater FJH, Alqahtani SA, Reeves HL, Pinato DJ, Giorgakis E, Meyer T, Villadsen GE, Wege H, Salati M, Mínguez B, Di Costanzo GG, Roderburg C, Tacke F, Varela M, Galle PR, Alvares-da-Silva MR, Trojan J, Bridgewater J, Cabibbo G, Toso C, Lachenmayer A, Casadei-Gardini A, Toyoda H, Lüdde T, Villani R, Matilla Peña AM, Guedes Leal CR, Ronzoni M, Delgado M, Perelló C, Pascual S, Lledó JL, Argemi J, Basu B, da Fonseca L, Acevedo J, Siebenhüner AR, Braconi C, Meyers BM, Granito A, Sala M, Rodríguez-Lope C, Blaise L, Romero-Gómez M, Piñero F, Gomez D, Mello V, Pinheiro Alves RC, França A, Branco F, Brandi G, Pereira G, Coll S, Guarino M, Benítez C, Anders MM, Bandi JC, Vergara M, Calvo M, Peck-Radosavljevic M, García-Juárez I, Cardinale V, Lozano M, Gambato M, Okolicsanyi S, Morales-Arraez D, Elvevi A, Muñoz AE, Lué A, Iavarone M, Reig M..
Radiological response to nivolumab in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma: A multicenter analysis of real-life practice
Autores: Rimola J, Da Fonseca LG, Sapena V, Perelló C, Guerrero A, Simó MT, Pons M, De La Torre-Aláez M, Márquez L, Calleja JL, Lledó JL, Varela M, Mínguez B, Sangro B, Matilla A, Torres F, Ayuso C, Bruix J, Reig M..
Molecular characterization of hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis
Autores: Roser Pinyol, Sara Torrecilla, Huan Wang, Carla Montironi, Marta Piqué-Gili, Miguel Torres-Martin, Leow Wei-Qiang, Catherine Elizabeth Willoughby, Pierluigi Ramadori, Carmen Andreu-Oller, Patricia Taik, Youngmin Lee, Agrin Moeini, Judit Peix, Suzanne Faure-Dupuy, Tobias Riedl, Svenja Schuehle, Claudia Pinto Marques Souza de Oliveira, Venancio Avancini Ferreira Alves, Paolo Boffetta, Anja Lachenmayer, Stephanie Roessler, Beatriz Minguez, Peter Schirmacher, Jean-François Dufour, Swan Nio Thung, Helen Louise Reeves, Flair José Carrilho, Charissa Chang, Andrew Victor Uzilov, Mathias Heikenwalder, Arun Sanyal, Scott Laurence Friedman, Daniela Sia, Josep M.Llovet.
Thermal Ablation for Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma in Cirrhosis: Safety and Efficacy in Non-Surgical Patients
Autores: Díaz-González Á, Vilana R, Bianchi L, García-Criado Á, Rimola J, Rodríguez de Lope C, Ferrer J, Ayuso C, Da Fonseca LG, Reig M, Forner A.
International and multicenter real-world study of sorafenib-treated patients with hepatocellular carcinoma under dialysis
Autores: Díaz-González Á, Sanduzzi-Zamparelli M, da Fonseca LG, Di Costanzo GG, Alves R, Iavarone M, Leal C, Sacco R, Matilla AM, Hernández-Guerra M, Aballay Soteras G, Wörns MA, Pinter M, Varela M, Ladekarl M, Chagas AL, Mínguez B, Arenas JI, Granito A, Sánchez-Torrijos Y, Rojas Á, Rodríguez de Lope C, Alvares-da-Silva MR, Pascual S, Rimassa L, Lledó JL, Huertas C, Sangro B, Giannini EG, Delgado M, Vergara M, Perelló C, Lue A, Sala M, Gallego A, Coll S, Hernáez T, Piñero F, Pereira G, França A, Marín J, Anders M, Mello V, Lozano M, Nault JC, Menéndez J, García Juárez I, Bruix J, Reig M.
llncRNA-H19 as a marker of liver disease progression: Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Autores: Ángela Rojas1 2, Antonio Gil-Gomez1 3, Patricia de la Cruz-Ojeda4, Rocio Munoz Hernandez1 2, Yolanda Sánchez5 , Rocío Gallego-Durán1 2, M. Carmen Rico1 , Maria Teresa Ferrer5 , Raquel Millan1 , Rocío Montero-Vallejo1 , Sheila Gato Zambrano1 , Francisco Javier Padillo6 , Jordi Muntané4 , Javier Ampuero1 2 5, Manuel Romero Gomez1 2 5.
P072YI Alteration of miRNA content in extracellular vesicles in Sorafenib-treated liver cancer cells. miRNA prognostic value in plasma from patients with advanced HCC treated with Sorafenib
Autores: Patricia de la Cruz-Ojeda1 2, Elena Navarro-Villarán1 3, María Isabel Gómez-Espejo4, Inés María Fernández-Luque4, Manuela Fátima Domínguez5, Víctor Sapena6, Juan Manuel Praena-Fernández7, Félix Royo8 , María Azparren-Angulo8, Francisco Javier Castell-Monsalve9, Concepción Meana5, Loreto Boix3 6, Álvaro Giráldez5, María Reig3 6, Juan Manuel Falcón-Pérez8 10, Jordi Bruix3 6, María Teresa Ferrer5 , Jordi Muntané1 2 3 4.
Impact of HIV on the survival of hepatocellular carcinoma in hepatitis C virus-infected patients
Autores: Merchante N, Rodríguez-Fernández M, Figueruela B, Rodríguez-Arrondo F, Revollo B, Ibarra S, Téllez F, Merino E, Montero-Alonso M, Galindo MJ, Rivero-Juárez A, Santos IL, Delgado-Fernández M, García-Deltoro M, Vera-Méndez FJ, García MA, Aguirrebengoa K, Portu J, Ríos-Villegas MJ, Villalobos M, Alemán-Valls MR, Mínguez C, Galera C, Macías J, Pineda JA; GEHEP-002 Study Group..
Progression-Free Survival Early Assessment Is a Robust Surrogate Endpoint of Overall Survival in Immunotherapy Trials of Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Autores: Cabibbo G, Celsa C, Enea M, Battaglia S, Rizzo GEM, Busacca A, Matranga D, Attanasio M, Reig M, Craxì A, Cammà C..
Pharmacokinetics and pharmacogenetics of sorafenib in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma: Implications for combination trials
Autores: Díaz-González Á, Sapena V, Boix L, Brunet M, Torres F, LLarch N, Samper E, Millán O, Corominas J, Iserte G, Sanduzzi-Zamparelli M, da Fonseca LG, Darnell A, Belmonte E, Forner A, Ayuso C, Bruix J, Reig M..
Does transient arterial-phase respiratory-motion-related artifact impact on diagnostic performance? An intra-patient comparison of extracellular gadolinium versus gadoxetic acid
Autores: Rimola J, Darnell A, Belmonte E, Sapena V, Caparroz C, Llarch N, Reig M, Forner A, Bruix J, Ayuso C..
Hepatic epithelioid hemangioendothelioma: An international multicenter study.
Autores: Sanduzzi-Zamparelli M, Rimola J, Montironi C, Nunes V, Alves VAF, Sapena V, da Fonseca LG, Forner A, Carrilho FJ, Díaz A, Fuster C, Ferrer J, Fuster J, Ayuso C, Solé M, Bruix J, Reig M; Epithelioid Hemangioendothelioma International Network (EHIN)..
International and multicenter real-world study of sorafenib-treated patients with hepatocellular carcinoma under dialysis
Autores: Díaz-González Á, Sanduzzi-Zamparelli M, da Fonseca LG, Di Costanzo GG, Alves R, Iavarone M, Leal C, Sacco R, Matilla AM, Hernández-Guerra M, Aballay Soteras G, Wörns MA, Pinter M, Varela M, Ladekarl M, Chagas AL, Mínguez B, Arenas JI, Granito A, Sánchez-Torrijos Y, Rojas Á, Rodríguez de Lope C, Alvares-da-Silva MR, Pascual S, Rimassa L, Lledó JL, Huertas C, Sangro B, Giannini EG, Delgado M, Vergara M, Perelló C, Lue A, Sala M, Gallego A, Coll S, Hernáez T, Piñero F, Pereira G, França A, Marín J, Anders M, Mello V, Lozano M, Nault JC, Menéndez J, García Juárez I, Bruix J, Reig M..
Regorafenib Alteration of the BCL-xL/MCL-1 Ratio Provides a Therapeutic Opportunity for BH3-Mimetics in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Models
Autores: Cucarull B, Tutusaus A, Subías M, Stefanovic M, Hernáez-Alsina T, Boix L, Reig M, García de Frutos P, Marí M, Colell A, Bruix J, Morales A..
Short-term Safety and Quality of Life Outcomes Following Radioembolization in Primary and Secondary Liver Tumours: a Multi-centre Analysis of 200 Patients in France.
Autores: Loffroy R, Ronot M, Greget M, Bouvier A, Mastier C, Sengel C, Tselikas L, Arnold D, Maleux G, Pelage JP, Pellerin O, Peynircioglu B, Sangro B, Schaefer N, Urdániz M, Kaufmann N, Bilbao JI, Helmberger T, Vilgrain V; CIRT-FR Principal Investigators..
The CIREL Cohort: A Prospective Controlled Registry Studying the Real-Life Use of Irinotecan-Loaded Chemoembolisation in Colorectal Cancer Liver Metastases: Interim Analysis.
Autores: Pereira PL, Iezzi R, Manfredi R, Carchesio F, Bánsághi Z, Brountzos E, Spiliopoulos S, Echevarria-Uraga JJ, Gonçalves B, Inchingolo R, Nardella M, Pellerin O, Sousa M, Arnold D, de Baère T, Gomez F, Helmberger T, Maleux G, Prenen H, Sangro B, Zeka B, Kaufmann N, Taieb J..
Clinical Application of Trans-Arterial Radioembolization in Hepatic Malignancies in Europe: First Results from the Prospective Multicentre Observational Study CIRSE Registry for SIR-Spheres Therapy (CIRT)
Autores: Helmberger T, Golfieri R, Pech M, Pfammatter T, Arnold D, Cianni R, Maleux G, Munneke G, Pellerin O, Peynircioglu B, Sangro B, Schaefer N, de Jong N, Bilbao JI; On behalf of the CIRT Steering Committee; On behalf of the CIRT Principal Investigators..
Association of inflammatory biomarkers with clinical outcomes in nivolumab- treated patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma.
Autores: Sangro B, Melero I, Wadhawan S, Finn RS, Abou-Alfa GK, Cheng AL, Yau T, Furuse J, Park JW, Boyd Z, Tang HT, Shen Y, Tschaika M, Neely J, El-Khoueiry A.
Mutations in circulating tumor DNA predict primary resistance to systemic therapies in advanced hepatocellular carcinoma.
Autores: von Felden J, Craig AJ, Garcia-Lezana T, Labgaa I, Haber PK, D’Avola D, Asgharpour A, Dieterich D, Bonaccorso A, Torres-Martin M, Sia D, Sung MW, Tabrizian P, Schwartz M, Llovet JM, Villanueva A..
Dual Pharmacological Targeting of HDACs and PDE5 Inhibits Liver Disease Progression in a Mouse Model of Biliary Inflammation and Fibrosis.
Autores: Claveria-Cabello A, Colyn L, Uriarte I, Latasa MU, Arechederra M, Herranz JM, Alvarez L, Urman JM, Martinez-Chantar ML, Banales JM, Sangro B, Rombouts K, Oyarzabal J, Marin JJG, Berasain C, Avila MA, Fernandez-Barrena MG..
Radiological response to nivolumab in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma: A multicenter analysis of real-life practice.
Autores: Rimola J, Da Fonseca LG, Sapena V, Perelló C, Guerrero A, Simó MT, Pons M, De La Torre-Aláez M, Márquez L, Calleja JL, Lledó JL, Varela M, Mínguez B, Sangro B, Matilla A, Torres F, Ayuso C, Bruix J, Reig M..
Splicing factor SF3B1 is overexpressed and implicated in the aggressiveness and survival of hepatocellular carcinoma
Autores: Juan L López-Cánovas, Mercedes Del Rio-Moreno, Helena García-Fernandez, Juan M Jiménez-Vacas, M Trinidad Moreno-Montilla, Marina E Sánchez-Frias, Víctor Amado, Fernando L-López, Marcos F Fondevila, Rubén Ciria, Irene Gómez-Luque, Javier Briceño, Rubén Nogueiras, Manuel de la Mata, Justo P Castaño, Manuel Rodriguez-Perálvarez, Raúl M Luque, Manuel D Gahete.
Radiological response to nivolumab in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma: A multicenter analysis of real-life practice
Autores: Rimola J, Da Fonseca LG, Sapena V, Perelló C, Guerrero A, Simó MT, Pons M, De La Torre-Aláez M, Márquez L, Calleja JL, Lledó JL, Varela M, Mínguez B, Sangro B, Matilla A, Torres F, Ayuso C, Bruix J, Reig M..
Assessing the impact of COVID-19 on liver cancer management (CERO-19)
Autores: Sergio Muñoz-Martínez 1 , Victor Sapena 1 , Alejandro Forner 1 , Jean-Charles Nault 2 3 4 , Gonzalo Sapisochin 5 , Lorenza Rimassa 6 7 , Bruno Sangro 8 , Jordi Bruix 1 , Marco Sanduzzi-Zamparelli 1 , Wacław Hołówko 9 , Mohamed El Kassas 10 , Tudor Mocan 11 , Mohamed Bouattour 12 , Philippe Merle 13 , Frederik J H Hoogwater 14 , Saleh A Alqahtani 15 , Helen L Reeves 16 , David J Pinato 17 , Emmanouil Giorgakis 18 , Tim Meyer 19 , Gerda Elisabeth Villadsen 20 , Henning Wege 21 , Massimiliano Salati 22 , Beatriz Mínguez 23 , Giovan Giuseppe Di Costanzo 24 , Christoph Roderburg 25 , Frank Tacke 25 , María Varela 26 , Peter R Galle 27 , Mario Reis Alvares-da-Silva 28 , Jörg Trojan 29 , John Bridgewater 30 , Giuseppe Cabibbo 31 , Christian Toso 32 , Anja Lachenmayer 33 , Andrea Casadei-Gardini 34 , Hidenori Toyoda 35 , Tom Lüdde 36 , Rosanna Villani 37 , Ana María Matilla Peña 38 , Cassia Regina Guedes Leal 39 , Monica Ronzoni 40 , Manuel Delgado 41 , Christie Perelló 42 , Sonia Pascual 43 , José Luis Lledó 44 , Josepmaria Argemi 45 , Bristi Basu 46 , Leonardo da Fonseca 47 , Juan Acevedo 48 , Alexander R Siebenhüner 49 , Chiara Braconi 50 , Brandon M Meyers 51 , Alessandro Granito 52 , Margarita Sala 53 , Carlos Rodríguez Lope 54 , Lorraine Blaise 2 3 4 , Manuel Romero-Gómez 55 , Federico Piñero 56 , Dhanny Gomez 57 , Vivianne Mello 58 , Rogerio Camargo Pinheiro Alves 59 , Alex França 60 , Fernanda Branco 61 , Giovanni Brandi 62 , Gustavo Pereira 63 , Susanna Coll 64 , Maria Guarino 65 , Carlos Benítez 66 , Maria Margarita Anders 67 , Juan C Bandi 68 , Mercedes Vergara 69 70 71 , Mariona Calvo 72 , Markus Peck-Radosavljevic 73 , Ignacio García-Juárez 74 , Vincenzo Cardinale 75 , Mar Lozano 76 , Martina Gambato 77 78 , Stefano Okolicsanyi 79 , Dalia Morales Arraez 80 , Alessandra Elvevi 81 , Alberto E Muñoz 82 , Alberto Lué 83 , Massimo Iavarone 84 , Maria Reig 1.
Evaluation of cardiovascular events in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma treated with sorafenib in the clinical practice. The CARDIO-SOR study
Autores: Carballo-Folgoso L, Álvarez-Velasco R, Lorca R, Castaño-García A, Cuevas J, González-Diéguez ML, Martín M, Álvarez-Navascués C, Cadahía V, Morís C, Rodríguez M, Varela M..
Impact of Alcohol Abstinence on the Risk of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Patients With Alcohol-Related Liver Cirrhosis
Autores: Rodríguez M, González-Diéguez ML, Varela M, Cadahía V, Andrés-Vizán SM, Mesa A, Castaño A, Alvarez-Navascués C..
Assessment of the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on Liver Cancer Management (CERO-19)
Autores: Sergio Muñoz-Martínez1, Victor Sapena1, Alejandro Forner1 et al.
Trans-arterial chemoembolization as a loco-regional inducer of immunogenic cell death in hepatocellular carcinoma: implications for immunotherapy.
Autores: Pinato DJ, Murray SM, Forner A, Kaneko T, Fessas P, Toniutto P, Mínguez B, Cacciato V, Avellini C, Diaz A, Boyton RJ, Altmann DM, Goldin RD, Akarca AU, Marafioti T, Mauri FA, Casagrande E, Grillo F, Giannini E, Bhoori S, Mazzaferro V..
Durvalumab as a Successful Downstaging Therapy for Liver Transplantation in Hepatocellular Carcinoma: the Importance of a Wash-Out Period.
Autores: Sogbe M, López-Guerra D, Blanco-Fernández G, Sangro B, Narváez-Rodriguez I..
Advances in immunotherapy for hepatocellular carcinoma.
Autores: Sangro B, Sarobe P, Hervás-Stubbs S, Melero I..
Liver function after combined selective internal radiation therapy or sorafenib monotherapy in advanced hepatocellular carcinoma.
Autores: Ricke J, Schinner R, Seidensticker M, Gasbarrini A, van Delden OM, Amthauer H, Peynircioglu B, Bargellini I, Iezzi R, De Toni EN, Malfertheiner P, Pech M, Sangro B..
Multidisciplinary Clinical Approach to Cancer Patients with Immune-Related Adverse Events Induced by Checkpoint Inhibitors
Autores: Londoño MC, Reig M; RETOINMUNO Multidisciplinary Group..
Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors and Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Autores: da Fonseca LG, Reig M, Bruix J..
From nanofiltration membrane permeances to design projections for the remediation and valorisation of acid mine waters
Autores: López J, Reig M, Vecino X, Gibert O, Cortina JL..
Diagnosis and management of toxicities of immune checkpoint inhibitors in hepatocellular carcinoma
Autores: Sangro B, Chan SL, Meyer T, Reig M, El-Khoueiry A, Galle PR..
Is hepatitis C direct-acting antiviral therapy a risk factor for the development and recurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma? Narrative literature review and clinical practice recommendations
Autores: Delgado Martinez C, Gómez-Rubio M, Gómez-Domínguez C.
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